Renaming Landmarks
Recently someone visiting the Free Store at MIA Island asked Alanis how they could get back to a certain spot more easily. They had taken a lot of landmarks while visiting various areas of MIA, but they couldn't remember which one went where. It turned out that they did not realize you can rename your landmarks, so I will go over the basics here.
When you are visiting a place in Second Life, and you want to get back to that place--here's how.
Click on the World tab at the top of your screen, and choose Create Landmark Here.
In your inventory Recent tab--look for Landmarks. Find your most recent landmark, and right click on it, then choose Rename. Type in a name that will describe that spot for you, such as "5th Floor Free Store MIA Island". When you want to return, without starting at the bottom, just use your landmark. Some places have their landmarks set so that you always land in the same place. That makes it so your landmark will take you to the common landing point for that sim (or island or smaller piece of land.) When that happens, you can still use your landmark to get where you want to go, you just have to land at the common landing point first, and then click on your landmark again. That will take you to your saved spot.
But, what if you want to put a place in your "Picks", so you don't have to find the landmark in your inventory?
Here's how to put a place in your picks. When you are visiting a place that you want to return to often (or just easily), you can put it in your picks. Putting a place in your picks is also a nice way to show your appreciation to a favorite spot, and lets your friends and acquaintances know about cool places to visit. So, when you are in a spot you want to put in your picks, just click on yourself, choose "Profile", then choose "Picks", and then "New". Now you can easily return to a favorite spot without searching through your inventory or even waiting for it to load. You can edit your picks, too, so you can add in a picture of yourself and your sweetie visiting that favorite spot, if you want to--or rename it to make it customized to you.
Here's a link to a video on editing profile picks:
Alanis says be sure to tell everyone they should always be at MIA Island when they make a Profile Pick--otherwise there could be smoke! LOL!